Custom Web Design: Venturing Beyond Your Design Comfort Zone with Speckyboy
Custom Web Design: Venturing Beyond Your Design Comfort Zone with Speckyboy

Humans Crave Comfort, Routine, and Custom Web Design

Humans crave comfort, familiarity, and routine. It applies to our work and life.

For example, I take my routine to the next level. I start each morning the same way: I turn on my computer and open the apps I need – all in the same order. Maybe I’m a bit obsessed?

But this behavior goes further. It also applies to the way I build websites. There are certain styles and layouts that I’m comfortable with.

Don’t get me wrong – I do like some variation in how things look. But I also have a preferred way of working. Thus, I become unnerved when someone asks me to change.

There’s both a level of fear and frustration when leaving one’s comfort zone. But it can be a more rewarding experience than our brains will allow us to believe.

Finding Your Design Happy Place

Success breeds complacency. That’s why, in the world of sports, it’s incredibly hard to win multiple championships in a row. Maintaining that same level of intensity is difficult.

In web design, successfully completing a project makes us feel great. But it can also result in becoming formulaic in how we do things.

Our process may evolve in some areas. But overall, we do what has led to positive outcomes in the past. It’s a natural reaction.

This approach is also great for efficiency. Especially when we have multiple projects to manage. Repeating these steps allows us to get more done in less time.

Thanks for Ruining a Good Thing

Has a client ever asked you to create something that isn’t your style? It can throw you off your game.

I’ve been in this situation before. A client wants a unique layout for their site. Hearing this makes me feel a bit insecure. They were well within their right to ask. But I immediately felt like I was going to fail.

What was I so afraid of? They’re asking me to go beyond my comfort zone. Since I haven’t built this type of site before, how can I possibly succeed? Maybe this project will destroy my confidence. What if I disappoint my client?

A challenging project can be stressful.

Take a Deep Breath & Come To Reality

The biggest hurdle in these situations is taking the first step. Maybe it’s the fear of failure or the sense that you aren’t good enough. But it seems that the longer you avoid doing uncomfortable things, the worse you feel.

The solution is to get to work. Eliminate any distractions and spend some quiet time with your project. You may find that a decent idea can grow into something better. Pretty soon, you’ll be on your way to a successful outcome.

Taking the first step can help you get past an uncomfortable project.

It’s All Part of the Job

When you think about it, web design (and life) would be pretty boring if we did things the same way every time. Still, going outside your comfort zone is hard.

Your initial reaction may be to run as fast and far away as possible. But that leads to complacency and stagnation. Neither trait is good for your career.

It turns out that the key to dealing with these situations is to work through your fears and preconceived notions. Along the way, you’ll find that your design skills are much more flexible than you might have thought.


Stepping out of your comfort zone in web design can be challenging, but it can also lead to growth and new opportunities. Embracing change and exploring unfamiliar territory is essential for personal and professional development.

5 Questions about Custom Web Design

  • Q: Why is stepping out of your comfort zone important in web design?
  • A: Stepping out of your comfort zone helps you explore new ideas, improve your skills, and stay innovative in a competitive industry.
  • Q: How can you overcome the fear of trying new design styles?
  • A: By practicing patience, persistence, and embracing experimentation, you can gradually build confidence and adapt to new challenges.
  • Q: What are the benefits of taking on projects outside your comfort zone?
  • A: Taking on new challenges can expand your portfolio, enhance your problem-solving abilities, and open doors to exciting opportunities.
  • Q: How can you maintain a balance between familiar routines and new design experiences?
  • A: By continuously seeking inspiration, staying open to feedback, and pushing your creative boundaries, you can evolve as a versatile web designer.
  • Q: What role does adaptability play in custom web design?
  • A: Adaptability is crucial in custom web design as it allows you to respond to changing trends, client preferences, and technological advancements with agility and creativity.
