Custom Web Design: Our Top 10 Favorite Podcasts for Web Designers – Speckyboy
Custom Web Design: Our Top 10 Favorite Podcasts for Web Designers – Speckyboy

Expand Your Knowledge with These Custom Web Design Podcasts

If you’ve worked as a web designer for any length of time, one thing you might have figured out by now is that learning never ends. New technologies are developed, styles come into favor and fashion, and UI features change, necessitating the ability to stay abreast of these changes.

Many professionals do this by listening to web design podcasts regularly. This can be done while completing work or in spare time. Regardless, podcasts make it possible to expand your knowledge without giving up copious amounts of personal time in the pursuit.

And we’ve made it even easier for you here. This collection is a compilation of some of our favorite web design podcasts. Each of these is well worth a listen.

Responsive Web Design Podcast

Responsive Web Design is a podcast hosted by Karen McGrane and Ethan Marcotte that consists of interviewing web designers who have completed re-designs of websites to make them responsive.

The Developer Tea Podcast

The Developer Tea podcast focuses on helping developers figure out how they want to move forward in their careers. It currently has over 13 million downloads and is hosted by Jonathan Cutrell, the co-founder of Spec.

Developer Tea web design podcast

The Big Web Show Podcast

Another great podcast to check out is The Big Web Show. This podcast regularly has guests on to discuss web design and technology, content, typography, and more. It’s hosted by Jeffrey Zeldman and covers all things web.

The Big Web Show web design podcast

The Gently Mad Podcast

The Gently Mad, or TGM for short, is a podcast that discusses finding meaning in your life. But it also covers entrepreneurship and running a business online.

The Gently Mad web design podcast

Front End Happy Hour Podcast

Front End Happy Hour is a podcast that talks about front-end design and development. It regularly has panelists from Netflix, Twitch, Airbnb, and other companies.

Front End Happy Hour web design podcast

The Style Guide Podcast

The Style Guide Podcast is hosted by Anna Debenham and Brad Frost and covers design on the web with a particular emphasis on style guides, pattern libraries, and UI.

Style Guide web design podcast

Code Newbie Podcast

If you want to learn more about the coding side of things, The Code Newbie Podcast features interviews with people who code for a living. Gather insights, tips, and tricks from their experiences and stories.

Code Newbie Podcast web design podcast


You’ll also want to check out CTRL+CLICK CAST. This podcast is for web designers and developers and covers all ways of running a web design agency or working as a freelancer in the industry. It’s hosted by Lea Alcantara and Emily Lewis.

CTRL+CLICK CAST web design podcast

The Design Life Podcast

The Design Life Podcast features stories about living as a designer and how to achieve work-life balance. It also discusses the various side gigs and projects of these two female hosts.

Design Life Podcast web design podcast

The Web Ahead Podcast

The Web Ahead is a podcast about the internet and focuses primarily on technology and techniques for working with it online.

The Web Ahead web design podcast

The Boagworld Podcast

Last on our list is the Boagworld Podcast. Hosted by Paul Boag and Marcus Lillington, the podcast covers web design topics in a fun way that’s engaging to newbies and professionals.

Boagworld web design podcast

Learn More with These Custom Web Design Podcasts

When you’re a professional web designer, the learning never stops, and these podcasts make it much easier to achieve that end.

Check out some of the podcasts we’ve listed here. Hopefully a few are added to your regular rotation.


Podcasts are a great way for web designers to stay updated on the latest trends and technologies in the industry. By listening to these podcasts, you can expand your knowledge and improve your skills without sacrificing too much personal time.

Questions & Answers:

1. How can web designers benefit from listening to podcasts?

Web designers can benefit from podcasts by staying informed about industry trends, learning new techniques, and gaining insights from experienced professionals.

2. What is the importance of learning new technologies in web design?

Learning new technologies in web design is crucial to staying competitive in the field and delivering modern, user-friendly websites to clients.

3. How do podcasts help in achieving work-life balance for web designers?

Podcasts provide a convenient way for web designers to learn and grow professionally without sacrificing personal time, thus contributing to a balanced lifestyle.

4. Which podcast covers entrepreneurship and finding meaning in life along with web design topics?

The Gently Mad podcast covers entrepreneurship, finding meaning in life, and running a business online in addition to web design discussions.

5. Why should web designers consider adding these podcasts to their regular rotation?

Adding these podcasts to their regular rotation can help web designers stay informed, inspired, and connected to the latest developments in the industry, ultimately enhancing their skills and career growth.
